I’m Marialina Antolini, a PhD Candidate in the School of Journalism, Information and Media Program at Michigan State University. My research investigates the new ways we consume and share information, focusing on how youth use social media platforms to engage in activism in the Global South and information-sharing processes in politically polarized scenarios.
With over 20 years of professional experience, I have worked as a journalist and communication consultant for various international agencies. My work has spanned diverse areas such as security and human rights, environment, education, and mobilization, among others.
I approach teaching as an exercise of both telling and listening to stories, and as a communication scholar, I teach storytelling. Teaching, but also learning,
listening, and dialoguing. Following the critical pedagogical approach developed by educator Paulo Freire, I understand my role as a mediator. With experience in academic and non-academic settings, I challenge the students to reflect on their professional responsibilities, how they view the world, and the different ways
the topic at hand can be understood.
Academic Courses:
Michigan State University
Instructor of Record
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Federal University of Espirito Santo
(Session 2)
Volunteer Professor
Sample of Courses Taught in a non-academic Environment:
In my research, I’m investigating how youth in the Global South, especially young women of color from underprivileged communities, use social media
platforms to engage in activism. Using a range of qualitative methods and a decolonial approach, I’m exploring topics such as storytelling processes, information consumption and sharing, community empowerment, and digital influencers as opinion leaders, political engagement online and journalistic roles.
This five-minute video shows a bit of my research: Social Medial Activism in Brazil
Academic Publications
Zanetti, D; Reis, R.; Antolini, M. C. (2021). Minorias midiatizadas: gêneros, etnias e territórios (mediatized minorities: gender, ethnicities and territories).
Book. UFPel. ISBN: 978-65-86440-65-2. (In Portuguese).
Book Chapter
Antolini, M. C., Rebouças, E. (2017). Comunicação, Direitos Humanos e Cidadania: territorialidades que se entrelaçam (Communication, Human Rights and Citizenship: territorialities that intertwine). In: Cultura e Poder, Redes e Mídias. Ruth Reis e Daniela Zanetti (org). Vitória: Edufes, 2017. ISBN: 978-85-7772-363-8.
(In Portuguese).
I believe the work being done in academic settings should go beyond the university walls. Therefore, I’m always looking for possibilities to explore different forms
of scholarship, generating projects in partnership with different non-academic
groups and communities, with mutually beneficial results.
Projects being done with people, not only for them.
“It is essential to reduce the distance between what is said and what is done
(the praxis), so, at a given moment, what you say
will become your practice.” Paulo Freire
Selected Scholarship Experiences
Field workshops
During fieldwork research in Brazil for my dissertation, in contact with the different
participants of the study, I offered two workshops. They chose the topics according to
their more pressing needs. The first workshop was for the teams at the Youth Reference
Centers, focusing on community communication and tools to dialogue with the youth in
the neighborhood. The second one was offered to the girls (young women of color from
underprivileged communities that are part of youth groups) participants, with open seats for other girls from the community. This workshop focused on media literacy for social media platforms and tools for better use.
Sem Saída Documentary Film
I’m the director of the audiovisual production “Sem Saida” (No Way Out). The documentary is a product of research about the Military Police strike in 2017 and its violent consequences for the
youth. In 21 days of the movement, over 200 homicides were recorded in the state of
Espirito Santo, Brazil (almost three times the monthly average). (In Portuguese)
Workshops at the Media Observatory
The Media Observatory: Human Rights, Policies, Systems and Transparency is a
research and action group. I have led workshops on Media and Human Rights, Media Literacy, Social Media and Youth, Social Media and activism, Human Rights in Journalism Practice within the group’s activities. The workshops had a variety of audiences, including penal system workers, journalists, activists, youth, and K-12 students.
work experience
Selected Work Experience
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Communication Consultant for
Citizen Security and other projects; Expert associated - Latin America and Caribbean
UNDP network
UN Population Fund (UNFPA) - Communication Consultant for Global South
Partnership Program
Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) / Human Rights State Department -
Communication Consultant for Youth and Human Rights project, in a State Government
and Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) partnership
ANDI – Communication and Rights - Professor in the course Strengthening the
Capacity Justice System Operators to Curb Rights Violations of Children and Adolescents
Committed by the Brazilian Media
Marlin Azul Institute - Communication Coordinator for the NGO (promotes activities
related to culture, diversity, communication, education, and cinema for underprivileged
and/or small communities).
Rede Gazeta de Comunicação - TV and Newspaper Reporter
Portfolio with selected publications